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Learn to KItesurf wIth Blueplanet

Our courses are highly effective and super safe thanks to our shallow lagoon and professional instructors! We provide top-notch, up-to-date equipment and radio instruction for your highest comfort!

Types of our Courses



6 hours

BASIC course + 

Piloting a power kite  Downwind and upwind body 

drag relaunching the kite from the water power strokes






Group 380 Azn p.P
Private 620 Azn
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9 hours

SMALL course +

Managing the board and kite in the water Self rescue and recovery techniques

Waterstart and your first meters on the board!





Group 510 Azn p.P
Private 910 Azn
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3 hours

Detailed instruction in wind theory, wind-window and the powerzone in kitesurfing

Equipment set up and pack down Safety systems

Piloting a trainer kite.





Group 270 Azn p.P
Private 320 Azn
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12 hours

MEDIUM course +

Advanced kite control & upwind riding

Sliding transitions

The first small jumps!

Ride the rest of the day on your own but of course, under supervision :-)



Group 700 Azn p.P
Private 1050 Azn
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15 hours

LARGE course +

Advanced kite control & upwind riding Sliding transitions The first small jumps! Ride the rest of the day on your own but of course, under supervision :-)





Group 860 Azn p.P
Private 1250 Azn
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Advanced RIders

PrIvate traInIng 


We create customized training sessions depending on your skills and targets! Do you want to learn a specific trick? Chances are, we can teach you most of the tricky moves you always wanted to progress to!


1 Hour  120 Azn
2 Hours 200 Azn
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  • you had a long winter break

  • you don't feel save enough

  • you want to learn jumps & tricks


4 Hours  320 Azn
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